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Hair-Raising Electrical Hazards Across Your Home



At any given moment, the average American house has 120 volts of electricity flowing through it. With an increasing number of appliances and devices being used within the home, the risk of possible electrical mishaps grows higher. Beware of these potential electrical hazards in your home:

Overloaded Outlets and Power Strips

One of the biggest electrical hazards in your home is an outlet or power strip packed with too many devices. Both outlets and power strips are designed to deliver a certain amount of electricity, and when you force them to drain too much power at once, you risk a surge or sparking that could result in a fire. Use only surge-protected power strips with the smallest number of additional outlets possible to accommodate your needs.

Additionally, if any of your outlets are ungrounded (they have only two prongs), they pose a greater risk for electrical fires. Call a licensed electrician to help you upgrade these outlets to newer, safer standards.

Appliances Placed Near Water

It's no secret that you should never use electrical appliances near water - but do you know the science behind the hazard? The impurities in water (such as dirt and minerals) conduct electricity very well - so when an electrical charge touches water, the impurities carry an electrical current. That current is what electrocutes you. Remember to never touch a plugged-in device if your hands are wet - or if you're standing in water.

If your electronic device gets wet while plugged in,do nottouch it or try to unplug it. Turn off the power source by switching off the correct panel in your circuit breaker, then unplug the appliance and wait for it to dry before using it again.

Faulty or Outdated Wiring

If your wiring is faulty or is increasing in age, it may be only a matter of time before it wears out completely and causes a fire. How can you tell if your wiring may be a ticking time bomb? Here are a few common signs to consider:

  • Flickering or dimming lights
  • Fraying or spliced wires
  • Sparking outlets
  • Burning plastic smell from outlets
  • Buzzing sound near outlets

These issues can occur in any home, but are most common among older structures. If your home is more than 30 years old, you should have the wiring inspected annually to ensure your electrical system stays in good shape.

The licensed electricians at David Gray Electrical will inspect your home for common hazards and update your electrical system for optimal safety and performance. To learn more, call (904) 605-8190 or visit our website at
