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Why You Shouldn't Go to the Cheapest Plumber


If you've ever grumbled about the high cost of calling in a plumber, you're not alone. But there are three good reasons plumbing can be expensive: availability, materials, and expertise.

Everyone wants to save money, so we understand it can be tempting to go with the cheapest bid on your plumbing project. Whether you need a Jacksonville plumber for residential or commercial work, keep in mind that cost, while an important factor, shouldn't be the only thing guiding which plumber you choose. 

When a Bargain "Plumber" Isn't a Bargain

Who doesn't love a bargain? But in the complicated world of plumbing, where expertise and skill are so important to getting the job done right, the cheapest plumber is rarely a bargain at all. The simple truth is quality doesn't come cheap. Good plumbers know their pricing must be competitive, but if they're serious about what they do, they won't cut quality to win your business. Your satisfaction and their reputation are not things they're willing to gamble on, especially during the current health crisis.

Plumbers Are "Always On"

Ever notice how your biggest plumbing problems and accidents happen in the middle of the night, on a weekend, or while you're away? That's happening to a lot of other people, too! Plus, nights and weekends are the only time a lot of people have available for a plumber to come in. Demand often sets the price a plumber charges, and many times, a good plumber will rearrange their schedule or call in an off-hour employee to help you in an emergency. David Gray Plumbing's fleet now includes more than 40 crews who are ready, willing, and able to help you as soon as the need arises.

The Price of Expertise

In Florida, there are two types of plumbing licenses.

  • Certified plumbing contractors are certified at the state level to conduct business statewide.
  • Registered plumbing contractors have their licenses issued by specific localities and must comply with that location's procedures to become registered. They are only eligible to do plumbing work in the areas where they are registered.

Professional plumbers spend years learning and perfecting their trade. They pass exams and are required to have a licensed bond.

Plumbing requires having a wealth of technical knowledge, including staying up-to-date on the latest technologies and techniques. Plumbing contractors who offer bargain basement rates tend to hire less-knowledgeable crews who might not have gone through the hundreds of hours of training and exams necessary to do a job right and safely.  

The Costs and Risks of Being a Plumber

Plumbers have one of the highest rates of injury and illness and many of the dangers are hidden ones like chemical and mold exposure. Quality medical insurance is a must, and it doesn't come cheap. Plumbing contractors must also maintain adequate liability insurance for the work they and their crews do. David Gray Plumbing is fully insured and bonded as a point of best practice.

Call in the Best, Not the Cheapest, Pros

Big or small, plumbing problems are far too important to risk hiring a company just because they're the cheapest. They might have low-skilled crews, less-than-adequate insurance, and no licensing. When you need a plumber for your Jacksonville, Florida home or business who will do the job safely and correctly, David Gray Plumbing is ready to help. Contact us today to learn more.
