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What's the difference between hard water and soft water? It's claimed that hard water, rich in minerals, can provide you with your daily dose of minerals. But if it's so good for you, why invest in a water softener? Let's look at the difference and what experts recommend.

What Is Hard Water?

Water is classified as hard if it is full of naturally occurring minerals. The two main minerals in hard water are calcium and magnesium. The higher amount of these two minerals your water has, the harder it is classified as.

Hard water is rated by  a system called GPG, which stands for grains per gallon and is measured by one grain of calcium carbonate dissolved in one gallon of water. Water starts being hard on the scale between 7-10 GPG, goes up to very hard at 10-14 GPG, and becomes extremely hard at over 14 GPG.

What Is Soft Water?

Soft water is the opposite of hard water; it barely contains any calcium or magnesium. In order to be classified as soft, the water has to fall below one on the GPG scale. Soft water naturally occurs in the form of rainwater or can be purchased as distilled water. It doesn't occur in the ground too often unless you live in an area that has calcium-poor rocks that are impervious to water leaching.

Which Is Safer to Drink?

When it comes to drinking, hard water is definitely preferred over soft. This is because all the minerals provide you with almost all your daily doses of required minerals, and it also gives the water its refreshing taste.

The main health benefit of soft water is that it is better for washing and cleaning. The minerals that are beneficial to drink also make soap less effective at lathering, so you may still feel dirty after showering.

Why Install a Water Softener?

Water softeners have a plethora of benefits for the average household. The biggest money-saving advantage of a water softener is that it extends the life of appliances that use water, like washing machines, dishwashers, and coffee makers. All the minerals in hard water will eventually clog these appliances, causing them to stop working.

A softener will extend their life by a wide margin. Another great benefit of a softener is not having white spots on your dishes or sinks from the minerals that are left behind after the water evaporates.

A softener will even help make your laundry softer and cleaner, since your clothes will no longer have any minerals trapped in them. Your skin and hair will also feel softer and cleaner after making the switch to a water softener.

Ready to install a water softener in your home? David Gray Plumbing is here to help. We provide a wide selection of water softeners. Call us today to schedule your appointment and learn more about how a water softener can improve your home's water supply.
