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Best Ways to Prevent air conditioning unit failure


When analyzing the causes of HVAC unit failure, most of the issues that contribute to a short life span are preventable. The most common reasons HVAC units fail are:

  • the presence of debris around HVAC units,
  • lack of regular servicing,
  • improper installation as well as a
  • lack of proper care of air conditioning units. 

All the aforementioned causes of air conditioning unit failure are preventable through a variety of measures. Below are a number of ways you can increase the life span of any air-conditioning units.       

Regularly service your air conditioner

The first way to increase the lifespan of any HVAC unit is through regular maintenance. High voltage equipment (such as air conditioning units) go through electrical strains that require regular maintenance. One of the most highlighted causes of HVAC failure is electrical glitches, as they cause a buildup of acids in various parts other than the compressor. The best way to ensure HVAC units last as long as conceivable is by having regular service performed by a professional or conducting repairs as soon as a malfunction is detected.

Regular cleaning of the unit and clearing its sounding area

One of the highlighted failures of air-conditioning units is the existence of debris in as well as around the unit. Regular cleaning of the condenser, as well as clearing the area around it, guarantees a longer HVAC lifespan. The condenser is a part of the unit that does the cooling; consequently, regularly cleaning filters as well as keeping the area around it free of any weeds, shrubs or general debris allows it to function properly.

When debris, such as mud and dust, accumulates on the coils in a condenser, the unit can’t dispense sufficient heat, forcing it to run for long hours in an effort to cool the house or building.  A clean condenser reduces chances of overheating as well as power overloads that may damage the unit. During humid seasons, HVAC units do more than cool the air in the house. They also reduce humidity that ends up causing algae growth, which can clog up the systems. During these times of the season, simple cleaning tasks such as clearing the drain lines increase a unit’s efficiencies as well as add its lifespan. Without proper maintenance, the average life span of a HVAC unit drops from 15 years to 10 years.

Shading the unit

A less known fact about HVAC is that the cooler the unit, the less it has to function; subsequently, the longer the lifespan. As highlighted, the area around the condenser should be kept clear, therefore planting trees or any vegetation to provide shade for the unit should be avoided. The best thing to do in this case is constructing shades preferably from wood and some corrugated metal that allows quick depilation of heat as they act as heat sinks while protecting the unit from direct sunlight. The cool temperatures reduce the work done by a unit subsequently reducing the stain guaranteeing a longer lifespan.

Making corrections on poorly installed units

Another reason that is highlighted as a cause of HVAC unit’s failure is poor installation. This means an air-conditioning unit is placed to cool a building or a house that has been a poorly planned inference to cooling and heating installations. For example, most households have a kitchen as well as bathroom vents designed to aid regulate the amount of temperature and humidity in the house. These vents should be used wisely, as they are a cause of HVAC unit over use that with time decreases its lifespan. Poorly designed vents are known to pull back the cool air created by HVAC units create; consequently, overworking them.

If your HVAC unit seems to be working less efficiently than usual, it may be time to call a professional. David Gray Heating and Air can help with expert technicians ready to assist any time of day or night.
