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Top signs that it is time for a new AC unit


Living in warm regions such as the greater Jacksonville, Florida area requires air conditioning if you hope to have a happy household. Indeed, we often become so accustomed to the benefits of nice cool air in our homes at the touch of a button, it's easy to take the AC equipment for granted. That is, until problems start to develop.

Professional HVAC technicians can keep AC units going with repairs, maintenance and cleaning, along with component replacements as needed. Eventually, though, it becomes time for the homeowner to replace it with a new AC unit. Since manufacturers continue to innovate and improve their lines of HVAC equipment, homeowners should keep in mind that buying a new and more energy-efficient system can save them money in the form of possible rebates and tax breaks as well as lowered utility bills.

With that in mind, here are the top signs that it is time for a new AC unit:

Unusual Noises

All HVAC systems make some sounds from time to time and you and your family soon become accustomed to them. If your system begins to make some unusual noises that you haven't heard before, it's best to have a professional come to evaluate the situation.

Skyrocketing Power Bills

When examining your recent utility bills, if you see that they are rising but you cannot account for the additional usage, the problem may very well be a malfunctioning AC unit.

It will run much longer than usual if it isn't working efficiently. Not only will you pay more for power, you could see the AC system failing prematurely because it is overworked.

Rooms No Longer Cold

When the system is running properly, all areas of your home should be comfortable. When you notice that some rooms fail to cool down like they used to, no matter how low you set the thermostat, it's a good sign that the equipment may be due for replacement.

Too Many Repairs

When you find yourself calling for multiple repairs on your AC equipment, the return visits from HVAC technicians may wind up costing you more in the long run than if you just bought a new and more efficient replacement unit today.

Uncertainty About AC Unit's Age and Maintenance History

If you bought a house and the owner installed the AC unit, you may not get the paperwork on when it was purchased or if there are any maintenance, cleaning and repair history for you to examine.

If the system is a decade or more old, replacing it with a new and more energy efficient unit will save you money on utility bills and give you the pleasure of doing your bit to preserve the environment.

You don't want to be caught at home during the peak of summer with a malfunctioning or broken air conditioning unit. If your AC equipment is showing signs of distress that indicate replacement is necessary, don't put off the inevitable. As summer approaches, you can expect it will be harder to make an HVAC installation appointment because so many people will be calling for repairs at the same time.

Homeowners should know that the well trained experts at David Gray Heating & Air keep on top of developments in AC technology so we can recommend the best choice for you and your family. For details on how to know when you need a new AC unit installed or to set up an appointment for a free consultation, please feel free to contact David Gray Heating & Air today.
